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Robina’s story: how a Family Action Grant gave me safety and stability

13 December 2022

Hopefully most people reading these words will do so in an environment where they feel safe; where they are respected and there are rules for how they are treated. But this isn’t the case for everyone, and many people live in fear of their home environment and need to escape.  
Here we discuss how our grants programme helped parent Robina when she did so.

For nearly a decade Robina navigated a minefield. 

Her partner would cheat on her, emotionally and verbally abuse her and even throw furniture and drinking glasses at her.  

She felt like she was constantly walking on eggshells; in fear of doing something wrong and upsetting him. 

He spent as he wished but would restrict her finances, talk to her like a servant and criticise her appearance.  

Eventually even her voice wasn’t her own, as she was told when and where she could speak.   

But she was brave enough to take her identity back… at a cost.  

Robina and her teenage son left her abuser but were at the mercy of her friends, sleeping on sofas and making do with the few clothes and personal belongings they had. 

Amazingly life continued for the pair as she made a long trek to take her son to school each morning then an equally long journey onto work. 

But this was not a long-term solution as the cost of travel was high, and doing so took a toll on both of them, with her son’s attendance suffering. 

Thankfully they were offered housing by their local council, but they were starting from scratch. 

That’s where Family Action came in.  We provided her with a grant to ensure that she was able to buy basic furnishings for her living space to turn it into a home. 

“We provided her with a grant to ensure that she was able to buy basic furnishings for her living space to turn it into a home.”

Find out more about our Make Theirs Magic Christmas campaign and how you can get involved.